Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Gluten free Yorkshire Puddings....

Hey kids,

Well, as I mentioned in my blog description, i'm a full-time intolerant. Discovered it about 2 years ago, and I have to say... Ignorance is BLISS. I could buy a sandwich for lunch, pizza for dinner and enjoy my favourite donuts till my heart was content! Of course I had the gluten backlash but I grew up with it, I was used to it, and thought I'd just over indulged.

That said, i've been trying my hardest to find a GF alternative to all my favourites... but with the flours being so expensive, its rather costly and time consuming... BUT... i've found I can replicate my mums yorkie puds with just store bought GF flours... so i thought I'd share :)

1/4 cup Plain GF Flour
1/4 cup Self Raising Flour
Good pinch of salt
Good pinch of Xantham Gum
Good pinch of Baking Powder

Mix together... then add...

1/4 cup Milk
1/4 cup Water
1/2 an Egg (give the rest to your dog)

And mix the wet ingredients in with the dry with a spoon... once its mixed enough for the dry ingredients to be moist (so the flour doesnt explode in your face) break out the electric mixer and crank it to high speed for a minute to get a bit of air in it.

Now i dont know enough about food to know if letting it sit for 10 minutes does it any good, but I usually do because my man gets huffy if my yorkies arent ready to go into the oven when he needs them to go in ;)

Put one of those really shallowy rounded muffin like tins in the over with a bit of olive oil or dripping in each hole and heat it up till its bubbling.

Just before putting the batter in the moulds, mix in some more water to make it like a pancake batter consistency (not the think kind) then pour it on in.

Cook until brown and fluffy and drown them in gravy :) :)